Monday, February 11, 2008

So, stuff rocks right now.

Booster Gold #0 is swiftly approaching. JSA #12 was pretty damn nifty, as was Teen Titans Year 1 #2. I read and enjoyed the first trade of Iron Fist, but really need to get around to reading up on Iron Fist's history to achieve the deeper appreciation for things that I like to have. Editor Jann Jones is a crocheter. And check out what's #1 on Bully's top 50 end of the year countdown!


Anonymous said...

Booster Gold number 0? Didn't they, like, already release numbers one through five? My head hurts now.

HotAndCold said...

Up to number 6, actually. It's a Zero Hour tie-in issue. Because that's delightfully dorky.

Anonymous said...

Time Travel makes my head hurt!