Monday, October 22, 2007

To Continue Some of My Previous Train of Thought, But in a Completely Different Direction...

WARNING: Looking at anything on the TV Tropes Wiki runs the high risk of something like this happening, but somehow worse. Here's hoping you roll a natural 20 on your Will Save.

It amused me greatly to find J2 mentioned in the examples of this trope. And they are, of course completely right. In fact, somewhere around the middle of the run, there was a letter that basically went something like "Wait, how does this even work?" and the reply was basically, "We have no idea! :D Anybody got some good suggestions?"

Y'know when the last time I got such amusement from a letters page was?


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Unfortunately, only about two suggestions regarding J2's power source made it to future letter pages, and neither of them were anywhere near as gloriously cracky as Booster Gold: Descendant of Braniac. Which is a crying shame. But I do suppose that's setting the bar a bit high.

But it's stuff like that that makes me miss letter pages. I mean, sure, we have message boards all over the place now 'n' all, but message boards don't get preserved for posterity in the pages of the comic themselves. I get to cherish forever the many, many theories people had about Booster's origin (remember, his origin was never told until the sixth issue of his series, giving the readers ample time to come up with workable ideas that were completely wrong. I <3 all of the misleading clues that Jurgens dropped. That that, Identity Crisis!), despite the fact that I wasn't even born until years after the series ended, but the many, many theories that people had about Supernova will be lost to the ravages of the Internet in time.

Which Supernova am I referring to there? Wouldn't you like to know? (OK, yeah, both. Hush.)

To bring this entry full circle, Booster appears as an example in a number of tropes, including one named after his JLU episode.

And now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to waste the entire rest of my day trawling TV Tropes.


shanealt said...

I hate you. I just escaped TV Tropes the other day. Now I'm pulled back in.

(In happier news...all 25 issues of BG arrived today!)

HotAndCold said...

Hehehehe, funny how that works, huh? :)

(Nice! You'll have to tell me what you think of them. And be sure to read the letters, of course. Some great stuff in there.)