Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Well, I Spent Altogether Too Much Time on This....

So, I didn't really feel like talking about anything today-technically-yesterday, so I decided to phone in a doodle, again, but, being me, I took forever actually drawing the silly little things. Aheh. But, hey, at least now I have wee drawings of the Conglomerate line-up.

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(For reference's sake, that's Booster Gold, Gypsy, Praxis, Echo, Vapor, Maxi Man, and Reverb.)

You can tell where the part of my brain that's actually good at this gave up right around Vapor. But I'm actually rather pleased with the first 4. Eh.


shanealt said...

Psst...can I have a Bea one? Please?

shanealt said...

Tora needs company.

wanderfish said...

I think I may have forgotten to point out to you how incredibly awesome this is. Especially now that I actually know who people are! Maxi-Man is just as adorable as he ought to be. I approve.

No matter what you think, I still assert that you get better at these every time. :P

Nalwonk said...

Conglomerate! Yay!